Meet Your Trainer
Tom Devine has spent more than half of his life in service to others. First, Tom enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. During his service he was deployed to the middle-east and is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm. After being discharged from the Marines, Tom pursued a career as a Police Officer in New York City. He spent the next 25 years as a narcotics detective and supervisor.

Tom will be the first to tell you how lucky he feels to have had a career doing
something he was so passionate about, but during his life, Tom also had another passion…Dogs! Tom can’t remember or imagine a time in his life that wasn’t shared with a pet dog. Additionally, during his time in the military and in law enforcement, he was always fascinated at the standard of training and level of reliability in the working canines he encountered. Tom started researching and learning many different training styles and methods and began applying them to training family pets. During Tom’s last several years a police officer he began contemplating retirement and what his future held. Although he certainly could have continued a successful career in law enforcement, Tom chose to follow his other passion and founded North Jersey K9 Solutions.

Tom is a graduate of the International School for Dog Trainers, where he trained under Martin Deeley and James Hamm, both of whom are ranked among the top ten dog trainers in the United States. He is certified in canine first aid and CPR. He is an active member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP). He continues to travel throughout the country studying under and honing his skills from some of the best dog trainers in the world.

Tom truly believes that there is nothing more beautiful than the bond that can exist between a human and their canine companion and he gets no greater satisfaction than being a part of creating that bond.

George & Skye
"...I couldn't be happier with Tom's work with Skye. Tom has given us the tools that are helping Skye deal with distractions while off leash and in public, her training has also helped her to become a better dog in the home. Looking forward to learning more from Tom."

Al & Max
"...Tom gave us the tools and changed our beautiful year old pit bull from a chaotic beast into a manageable lovable dog. He's excellent, reasonable and we highly recommend him!"
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